SUNKISS handmade soap
RM 22.00
Summer is all about enjoying the sunshine vitamin. TheSun Kiss soap was inspired by the sun. Made with a blend of 3 types of citrusy oil, this soap smells incredibly zesty and rejunevating.
Weight : Each at 105 - 115g when packed
Ingredients : Sweet orange oil (甜橙精油), lemon oil (柠檬精油), bergamot oil (佛手柑精油), , glycerin soap base (甘油皂基) ,lemon peel (柠檬皮)
fragrance FREE
FREE from artificial coloring
soap is wrapped with recyclable non printed waxed paper for basic protection.
Essential Oil code :
No. 13 BERGAMOT RM35 per bottle (10ml )
No. 14 LEMON RM32 per bottle (10ml)
No. 15 SWEET ORANGE RM25 per bottle (10ml)